More News for Humanities Graduates Exploring Tech

If you're a recent or about to graduate humanities student, read the whole article, top to bottom. Then, if you're interested, start doing the research and the networking to make it happen. The way you think is valuable. 

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Humanities Students & Graduates: You're Needed in Silicon Valley

"Liberal arts majors take on a wide range of roles." Of interest, fourth on the list is folks in project management. When I reflect on the swath of project management professionals with whom I work up and down the west coast, a lot of them have degrees in the humanities. 

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When an MBA Isn't Enough: Learning From the Masters

From Ben Horowitz' "the hard thing about hard things is that they don't have a formula" to Jason Fried's coauthored startup book, 'Rework.' (If you missed it, be sure to catch my recent mention of Jason Fried's not-to-be-missed December 2012 blog post about the role mistakes play in our lives.)

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New York Times Reports on LinkedIn Development for Tomorrow's Leaders

If eighty percent of jobs are found through one's network—and we recently saw that even board seats follow the same 80/20 rule—then it stands to reason that one should start thinking about networking early.

For tomorrow's leaders still in school, it's not too soon to build a great LinkedIn profile, and the July 31 New York Times article Finding a Career in LinkedIn Profiles is a good start.

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6 Career Positioning Metrics Every Management Professional Should Cite

I field two to four new business calls every day, mostly from executive to mid-career professionals looking to quietly work through what their futures might hold if they nosed around a bit.

In nearly every instance, they express embarrassment about their out-of-date résumés. Understandable, since they've been busy doing the work—not nursing a piece of paper.

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80/20 Rule Alive and Well for First-Time Tech Board Members: Korn Ferry Institute Report

Put another way: 80% of first-time tech board members who participated in Korn Ferry Institute's research landed a board seat via their networks.

Too many otherwise successful executives and senior professionals downplay or never think about the role of networking while job searching, let alone the task of securing a board seat. Does the 80/20 rule win again?

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New Data from Heidrick & Struggles for C-suite Members Considering a Fortune 500 Board Directorship

But the question is a good one, because every journey begins with a single step.

If you're thinking what a Fortune 500 board directorship might look like, Heidrick & Struggles yesterday released their Four Boardroom Trends to Watch. The downloadable publication presents an interesting breakdown including new seats filled, average age of directors, percentage of directors who are current or former CEOs and CFOs, and more.

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Want to Shape a Career Change? Speak to Your Sweet Spot

"Tailor your articles and presentations strategically, so you not only speak to the audience at hand, but so the article titles have a life beyond the moment. Then when you list them on your LinkedIn profile, in your executive bio, in your executive resume, etc., you have this clear specialization. In time, you'll open the door wider to being found as a passive candidate. And odds are higher that you'll be sought for just the right fit." 

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Jared RedickComment