Posts tagged Board of Directors
The Isolated Counsel: Addressing Career Stagnation in Solo General Counsel and Chief Legal Officer Roles

The phenomenon of career stagnation among solo GCs and CLOs presents significant challenges for both individual legal professionals and the organizations they serve. By recognizing these challenges and implementing structured strategies to combat professional isolation, both individuals and companies can ensure that their legal leadership remains dynamic, well-rounded, and prepared for the evolving demands of the corporate legal landscape.

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80/20 Rule Alive and Well for First-Time Tech Board Members: Korn Ferry Institute Report

Put another way: 80% of first-time tech board members who participated in Korn Ferry Institute's research landed a board seat via their networks.

Too many otherwise successful executives and senior professionals downplay or never think about the role of networking while job searching, let alone the task of securing a board seat. Does the 80/20 rule win again?

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New Data from Heidrick & Struggles for C-suite Members Considering a Fortune 500 Board Directorship

But the question is a good one, because every journey begins with a single step.

If you're thinking what a Fortune 500 board directorship might look like, Heidrick & Struggles yesterday released their Four Boardroom Trends to Watch. The downloadable publication presents an interesting breakdown including new seats filled, average age of directors, percentage of directors who are current or former CEOs and CFOs, and more.

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