80/20 Rule Alive and Well for First-Time Tech Board Members: Korn Ferry Institute Report
A few of korn ferry institute's findings on interviewing members of technology boards
On the heel's of yesterday's post about Fortune 500 board directorships, the Korn Ferry Institute drives home the point that securing a board seat is less abracadabra and more purposeful planning.
With a focus on tech companies, one of Korn Ferry Institute's standout findings to my eye was this: "Fewer than 20% of first-time tech board members landed their new seat via a search firm; all the others found them through their networks."
Put another way: 80% of first-time tech board members who participated in Korn Ferry Institute's research landed a board seat via their networks.
Too many otherwise successful executives and senior professionals downplay or never think about the role of networking while job searching, let alone the task of securing a board seat. Does the 80/20 rule win again?
A compelling read for technology executives looking for inroads into joining a board.
And don't miss Boardrooms.com (page 4 of the report), created by Gerri Elliott "for executive women who serve or want to serve on corporate boards."