Don’t Call it a Template: Unraveling Your Résumé’s Purpose, Content & Design
“Congratulations on a great set of presentations. People just wanted MORE of you ... really appreciated your information, and see you as incredibly smart and thoughtful and knowledgeable about this. Thanks again for your wonderful work. Seriously. I couldn’t imagine [program name] without Jared.”
Commissioned for development in 2014 by the University of California Humanities Network (UCHRI), “Don’t Call It a Template: Unraveling Your Résumé’s Purpose, Content & Design” explores the fine line between a templatized résumé writing approach, and a whole-cloth reimagining of this most critical job search document.
Career transition coach and executive résumé writer, Jared Redick, turns theory into practice, introducing ways to use:
Research to find roles that might be an interesting fit for your expertise
Discovery to identify and frame your experience and support your findings
Build unique content from starter copy
Design resume elements that pull it all together
Jared’s private clients wrestle through his unique question-based process over weeks and months, so this workshop can’t solve the puzzle in three hours. But it does “shake the tree” and equip attendees with the introspective processes, concepts, and hands-on practice needed to re-imagine their life’s work in new ways.
Get in touch to discuss booking this presentation: