Why recruiters might not want your unsolicited résumé
What it is (the problem! the issue? the question?:
How resume page count became such a divisive topic.
Why it matters:
You want to know today’s resule page count standard, and have a defensible reason for why you potentially “broke the rules.”
What you should know:
The gold standard is typically a one page resume for people with 8-10 years of professional experience, a two-page resume for everyone else, and then a three-page resume for corporate VPs and above.
The nuances and exceptions:
Blah blah blah. Long form copy.
In 2003, the managing director of the retained search firm where I’d been newly hired told me to discard a résumé I’d received via email.
“Why?” I asked.
“Because it’s unsolicited, which means that person is an unknown.”