Writing LinkedIn Profiles for Stealth Job Seekers

Most LinkedIn profiles behave like online résumés.

That may be the right choice for most people, but what about the leader who is happy and just wants to be open to being found passively on LinkedIn? Or the same leader who needs to appear happy where s/he is while conducting a stealth job search?

The information you shared with us about LinkedIn was excellent!
— Senior Tax Manager and CPA, Confidential San Francisco Bay Area Accounting Firm

Jared Redick works with executives and senior professionals taking a long view on their careers. Part of his approach includes developing LinkedIn profiles that communicate one message to one audience, while communicating another message to another audience.

No small task.

The key is to think about LinkedIn as a tool for business, with recruiters being just one of a profile’s visitors.

Learn how Jared writes for clients who want to attract new career opportunities while mitigating suspicions about why they’re updating their profiles.

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